Month: August 2011

1st Place: Baltimore Lindy 500

This weekend I competed in the Amateur Invitational Jack and Jill at the Baltimore Lindy 500. There were approximately 40 competitors that were hand-picked from neighboring states to participate. I made it to the finals (top 5 guys and gals) and was partnered with kerry – who I was just meeting for the first time. No sooner than we’d finished shaking hands were we swinging-out at 190 BPM. When the dust settled, my partner and I were heralded as champions.

My souvenirs are a wad of prize money, lucky #27, and this epic photo:

1st place finish!

Spotlight - Elliot and Kerry

Better User Stories

User stories define three things for my team:

  • What to build
  • Why to build it
  • Who to build for

Writing high-quality user stories goes a LONG way toward the success of our team, but this of course begs the question – how do we write high-quality stories? I’ve created a presentation that demonstrates the simple, yet powerful technique that we employ to make our stories amazing. The summary: remove all terminology.

I hope that you enjoy this brief presentation!

Retrospective Hero Pt. 2

Another outstanding sprint; another outstanding retrospective. The theme this round is “A Land Before Time”. Our team is represented by the blue, bridge-crossing dinosaur. The team then drew things that impeded our progress, or helped us to arrive safely at our destination. The result is epic and insightful:

Apparently we really like sharks...

Sprint Retrospective

Creative retrospectives are the way to go.