Living the Agile Methodology

Most people have never heard of the Agile methodology, which can be a highly efficient approach to software development. As it turns out, the Agile methodology is highly relevant to success and happiness as well. My extremely short summary of Agile is as follows:

1) Take initiative
2) Tackle work based upon priority, in the smallest possible chunks
3) Regularly review what’s working and what’s not working

Apply these principles to your personal life, and I think that you’ll find yourself more productive and successful at the activities that matter most.

Gaming for Health

What should you do when you’re experiencing an illness that cannot be addressed by medical treatment? Perhaps the answer is to make a game of it. Jane McGonigal, a leader in gaming research, turned her recovery from a concussion into a game that dramatically accelerated her return to health. Here’s a video of Jane presenting how to create your own healing game: