How to ace our coding assignment

Dear Ruby Developer applicant,

I would like nothing more than to contribute to your success!  Here is my guidance on how to completely ace our coding assignment:

  1. Follow the instructions:  You wouldn’t believe how many candidates are disqualified by not following the instructions, or by building tons of extra features.  Show us that you can code to a shared specification.
  2. Focus on efficiency:  Nested if statements can totally solve the problem, but are not very impressive.  For perspective, I wrote nested if statements when I was learning Visual Basic in 10th grade.  Show us that you can innovate on a simple problem with an elegant solution.
  3. Write tests:  We like lazy developers, and lazy developers write tests so that they don’t have to waste time debugging code later.  Show us how you will be a steward to our technology and to your co-workers.

Most importantly, HAVE FUN and good luck!

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