Fight Ambiguity!

I had the pleasure of presenting at Lean + Agile DC today.  I was surprised at the positive feedback around how we’ve tackled the challenge of creating a transparent and SIMPLE Agile PMO.  The words from another presenter were, “I hope that you don’t mind, but I’m stealing all of this for my teams.  This is exactly what we needed.”


Fight Ambiguity!

Agile teams are constantly faced with uncertainty and ambiguity.

In these situations, your unspoken responsibility as an Agile Team Member, Product Owner, ScrumMaster, or Program Manager, is to fearlessly seek out clarity.  Elliot will present a series of visualization tools that will help you to fight uncertainty and ambiguity in the following scenarios:

1)  The product backlog is unknown, poorly defined, or not well-communicated

2)  Realistic delivery dates are unknown

3)  Cross-team dependencies are unknown, hidden, or not yet defined

You’ll look like a super-star when you show up at the office with these handy tools, clear up ambiguity, and help your team to better deliver.


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